
The fate of destruction is the joy of rebirth.

Evangelion quote FTW.

Anyways, I know the last post was kind of random but I was just waiting to segway into this tell all post about the events since the downtime. Oh, remember last post when I said I was going to do a February games of the month post? Yeah, that kinda got shot to hell when my host had me offline for nearly a week mid-month. Here’s that story…

Flashback to the 15th, my site had already been offline for a couple days on a “This account has been suspended” page, and I submitted my first support ticket. Almost immediately my ticket was forwarded to another department of support (which was probably I’ve EVER had with them). BUT I waited another 2 days on this support ticket and no new responses or answers. Of course Live Chat support has been offline since these douchebags took over, so then started I started another support ticket in hopes of SOMETHING, ANYTHING. After another day (this was the 19th by now), FINALLY my prayers were answered when someone from engineering responded and reactivated my account. This is what he said:

“Your site was apparently auto suspended due to suspicious activity. I reactived the account, however you will need to go through your web files to make sure nothing is wrong or malicious.”

I was rather confused, as something like had never happened before, so I asked him what exactly could have caused something like this. He responded again (rather quickly compared to their support in general, +2 for engineering):

“Either a excessive usage or malicious file. If it occurs again, I will make a note of what was occuring and let you know.”

Well OK, that didn’t help me too much. Let’s just hope that never happens again before my current subscription expires, m’kay?
This was a wake up call more than ever that I MUST switch hosts when the next opportunity comes up.

I’ve got more recapping to do, but I’ll save it for the next post SOON…

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