Hey everybody! Happy Columbus day to all of you.
Here’s the next edition of games of the month for October…let’s take a look at a few upcoming releases:
Dead Space (360 and PS3 – 10/14, PC – 10/20) – EA’s take on a sci-fi survival horrorish story. I haven’t been following this one too much, but it looks pretty neat based on what I have seen. Think Doom 3 atmosphere with a bit more horror game elements thrown in.
Wii Music (10/20) – Nintendo’s take on music games (like Rock Band) that have been oh so popular these days. Only they want you to get together with some friends and “improv” music for the pure joy of playing (There are no mistakes! They turn it into pretty music for you! Oh joy!). Featuring “60-plus” instruments and nintendo classics such as the Super Mario Bros. theme (of course). Other modes include playback, orchestra, tone quiz, and a virtual drum set.
Castlevania: The Order of Ecclesia (DS, 10/21) – I already covered this one a bit in one of my previous posts (as well as it’s fighting game counter-part, coming next month). I’m still pretty excited for this one.
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii, DS – 10/21, PC – 10/28) – New York City is invaded by a symbiote invasion and it’s all up to spidey to save the day. Also involved are the always foxy Black Cat (which I was checking out the screens on ebgames.com and all had her for some reason…?) and Wolverine (who I also caught a glimpse of in symbiote form today in a new trailer on xbox live), just to name a couple. Featuring a revamped combat system, red/black (symbiote) suit switching on the fly (even during battles to create combos), and a morality meter that your actions will effect whether you’re deemed hero or vigilante. I guess this will have to do until Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 comes out. I completely recommend the first one for 2-4 co-op play.
Legendary (360, PS3 – 10/21, PC – 11/4) – A shooter where you fight giant birds and other mythical beasts (or something…). Literally any apocalyptic happenings (those unleashed from Pandora’s Box) are fair game. Screens look pretty, but we’ll see. Moving on…
Fable 2 (360, 10/21) – I probably should have played the first one more but I guess it wasn’t really my cup of tea (for lack of a better phrase). The first one was quite well praised among RPG fans. I do respect the whole choices and consequences motif though, something you don’t see too often. I hear he has a new canine companion in the next installation too. Hmmmm…?
Far Cry 2 (PC, 360, PS3, 10/21) – Can’t say too much about this one because I haven’t even tried the first one yet, but I’ve heard good things.
Fallout 3 (PC, 360, PS3, 10/28) – A new take on 2 classic RPGs. Mmmmm…nuclear ravaged land. Next…
Red Alert 3 (PC – 10/28, 360 – 11/11) – Again, I covered this one in my earlier post. I watched another trailer on the 360 today that was a “remix” (or mash-up) of the all-star cast of characters for the cinematics, which also included George Takei saying the infamous All Your Base Are Belong To Us (wow…just wow). This is probably the title I’m most looking forward to this month. I’m just itching for some new RTS action and since Starcraft 2 is still well away, that just leaves…
(Disclaimer: The following has not been deemed worthy enough for a picture, Thank You for your cooperation)
Cesar Millan’s Dog Whisperer (PC, DS, 10/14) – I was looking through new releases on EB Games and found my serious WTF? moment of the month. Developed by Ubisoft, so maybe there’s some tactical/espionage factors involved with these dogs. C’mon guys.
Well, that about wraps up my main releases list of the month.
On a side note about the Wii though, I’m really starting to worry that Nintendo blew their load early this year. Sure, there’s Wii Music now and the new Animal Crossing and Castlevania game in about another month…but what other real worth while exclusives are coming before the end of the year? Please let me know if you find any because I’m at a lose right now.
Until next time,