Tag Archive for 'april-fools'


And now, the REAL new banner…

Ok, so if you hadn’t figured it out by now, yesterday’s Pennywise banner was part of my April Fools’ Day joke (as well as the project page updates, if you hadn’t clicked the link). Thanks to all those you visited the site yesterday and knowingly or unknowingly participated in my feeble joke. I like to participate in April Fools’ Day so I try to do something whenever I can. I put together this other banner together though with my limited digital art skills instead of going back to bannerless. Joke or not, I guess you could also look at that last banner as a “placeholder” since I didn’t actually whip up the new one until tonight. Hehe… 🙂

One more thing, I can’t end this April Fools’ Day post without posting some of my favorite jokes from yesterday soooooooo…

For a few examples, anyone else have some favorites?

Also, Happy Easter to you guys and gals! Since I probably won’t have much time to post over the next couple days.

– DGM-payne


Alright, alright…

So the Riskening isn’t making the big switch to the Dickening (sorry, though yuma and jana are quite yummy). As you may have already noticed the aforementioned link leads to a mock-up of my 404 page. It was just one of my feeble attempts at a last minute April Fool’s Day joke. I used to do them on the forums but since they’re a dead zone right now I thought I’d try it here. You gotta admit that the Dickening would be amusing though, right? 😀

Speaking of jokes though, I always enjoy a good April Fool’s Day and this one was no exception. Woot.com’s random crap joke actually caught me off guard for a second the night before, underground-gamer’s random jumbling of the torrent titles and descriptions, adult swim’s playing of that just awful The Room movie complete with HUGE and obnoxious black bar censoring, and a just plain awesome south park episode to name a few.

What were your favorite April Fools jokes of this year?

Anyways, tomorrow morning’s my trip with some family to the Knob Creek gun show in kentucky for a couple days. I know, not game related at all, but my next post should be sometime early next week.

Until then,


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